DISCLAIMER: I'm not a prophet, nor do I claim to receive divine revelation from God. I'm just a believer who believe in the Bible and the Quran and try to understand the Books of God with my common sense. My views may contain errors, but I pray to God everyday to show me the right path. The following article is my current position regarding religion: 1. There is One True God in the universe. This One God had sent His messengers to mankind to acknowledge Him as the Lord of the Universe. 2. Some of His prophets and messengers are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. 3. Some of His Books are the Torah and the Quran. 4. According to the Quran, there are four communities that may enter to heaven; those are the believers (the followers of prophet Muhammad), the Jews, the Nazarenes, and the Sabians (Q 2:62 and 5:69). 5. In my view, the Sabians (or some say the Converts) were the people that once were called the God-fearers or God-fearing people or the proselytes; but now they a...
Empat Agama, Satu Umat, Satu Tuhan, pluralisme menurut Al Quran