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EWA 6x30 Binoculars

Recently I bought a pair of binoculars called Kronos EWA (Extra Wide Angle) 6x30 from Newcon Optik.
It has 12° field of view (219m @ 1000m),
6x magnification,
30mm diameter, and made in Russia.
When I ordered the bino, they said that it was the last piece left in their stock. I guess I'm very lucky to have this bino.

Previously, I've owned 4x30 Xtra Wide from Bushnell, 8x42 APO Binoculars from William Optics, and my old binocular that I bought 24 years ago: Hansa 12x50.

My Impression of the Bino
I'm not an expert of optics, for technical details please refer to Holger Merlitz website.
I only could tell you about what can I see through the bino.
I bought this bino mainly because of its huge field of view, about 11° field of view. As far as I know it was one of the widest field of view of binoculars available on the market that day, second only to Bushnell 4x30 Xtra Wide with 17 degree fov.
My main target is small constellations and asterism, and large and bright Messier Objects and NGC such as M7, M8, M42, M45, and NGC292.
This EWA 6x30 binoculars can encompass some constellations that can not fit in WO 8x42 (7° fov) such as Corvus, Corona Borealis, and Lyra. All 4 main stars in Corvus fit in one field of EWA 6x30. So do all stars in Corona Borealis fit in one field, not to mention Vega and Sulaphat in Lyra.
Shaula and Sargas in Scorpius tail fill about 70% of the field, so it was very easy to locate M6 and M7.
Kaus Australis, Kaus Meridionalis, and Kaus Borealis in Sagittarius fit in one field. So I had no trouble of locating M8 and M20. But the image of M8 through the bino could not make me "wow" though.

Compared to Bushnell Xtra Wide 4x30 (same aperture, similar price), the Xtra Wide has wider field of view (17° vs 11°), but that's all. EWA 6x30 give much much more details of image, though the difference of these 2 binos only 2x magnification.
And one more thing, with Bushnell Xtra Wide, I have to use my eyeglasses (or otherwise the image become blur) and that makes the field of view become a bit narrower.
With EWA 6x30 I can see through the bino without my eyeglasses.

However, the 8x42 APO from William Optics give bigger and better image than EWA 6x30, no surprise there. But the difference is not as much as EWA 6x30 compared to Xtra Wide 4x30.
I still prefer extra four degree field of view of EWA 6x30 to more detail images of APO 8x42 (11° vs 7° field of view)

In conclusion, I'm happy with my purchase. And I wouldn't trade my EWA 6x30 for much much more expensive 6x30 binoculars from other manufacturers that only have 8° field of view.
I give it four and a half stars (out of five). I would give it perfect 5 stars if only the EWA 6x30 had 15° field of view.


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