Dalam pengantar buku Q Thomas Reader, James M. Robinson menuliskan bahwa Injil/Gospel sebagai kata benda berasal dari kata kerja Yunani euaggelizontai 'memberitakan kabar baik' sebagaimana tertulis di dalam Injil Lukas 7:22 (yang merupakan penggenapan dari nubuat dalam Yesaya 61:1?). The sayings gospel imbedded in the New Testament is quite appropriately called a gospel, in that the verb "evangelize" from which the noun "gospel" is derived, actually occurs at Q 7:22: "the poor are given good news" (the "good news" is another way to express the term "gospel"). Saya sependapat dengan Pak James Robinson bahwa injil berasal dari ayat Lukas 7:22 dan juga nubuat Nabi Yesaya dalam kitab Isaiah 61:1 (LXX) bahwa salah satu karakteristik dari sang Mesias adalah menyampaikan kabar baik (Injil/gospel) bagi orang-orang miskin.
Kapankah Yesus memberitakan kabar baik bagi orang-orang miskin? Ketika beliau menyampaikan Khotbah di Bukit dan/atau Sermon on the Plain. Kedua kotbah ini diawali dengan ucapan selamat (Beatitudes) kepada orang-orang miskin: Berbahagialah orang-orang miskin karena kamulah yang memiliki Kerajaan Sorga. Jadi, saya percaya bahwa Injil yang asli haruslah diawali dengan ucapan ini, atau setidaknya memuat ucapan ini. Dengan demikian Injil Markus maupun Injil Yohanes tidak memenuhi kualifikasi ini sehingga kedua injil tsb saya nyatakan gugur sebagai kandidat Injil yang asli.
Terdapat perbedaan Beatitudes antara Injil versi Matius dengan versi Lukas. Pada Injil Matius terdapat 8 ucapan bahagia kepada "mereka", sedangkan pada Injil Lukas terdapat 4 ucapan bahagia kepada "kamu". Bisa jadi Yesus memang beberapa kali mengucapkan Beatitudes pada waktu dan tempat yang berbeda sehingga terdapat beberapa versi Beatitudes yang berbeda. Dalam Injil Matius 4:23 ada tertulis bahwa Yesus memberitakan Injil Kerajaan pada sinagog-sinagog. Kemungkinan, yang dimaksud Injil Kerajaan tsb memuat kata-kata ucapan bahagia (the Beatitudes). Dan karena Yesus bukan hanya mengajar sekali melainkan berkali-kali, boleh jadi terdapat beberapa versi Beatitudes yang berbeda. Dalam rekonstruksi ini, saya mengutip 5 beatitudes saja, bukan 8 seperti versi Matius, dan juga bukan 4 seperti versi Lukas. Jadi tengah-tengah antara Matius dan Lukas.
Merekonstruksi Injil Yang Asli
Dalam usaha untuk merekonstruksi Injil yang asli, saya menggunakan bagian inti (kernel) dari Injil Thomas, Injil Lukas, Injil Matius, Injil Ibrani, dan surat Yakobus (Epistle of James) sebagai batu ujian. Manakala ada suatu ayat dalam Injil Q yang memiliki padanan pada dua atau lebih kitab-kitab tsb di atas, maka kemungkinan besar ayat tsb memang asli dari Nabi Yesus. Buku yang saya gunakan sebagai referensi antara lain The Bible (NKJV, AMP), The Original Gospel of Thomas in Translation oleh April D. Deconick, dan The Hebrew Gospel and the Development of the Synoptic Tradition oleh James R. Edwards.
Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ¹
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ⁴
Blessed are those who are hated and persecuted, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ⁵
Kenapa cuma 5? Bukan 8? Karena saya ingin mencocokkannya dengan nubuat dalam Lukas 4:18 atau Isaiah 61:1-2
4:18 |
Beatitudes |
to preach the good news to the poor, |
Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, |
to heal the brokenhearted, |
Blessed are those who mourn, for they
shall be comforted, |
to announce release (forgiveness)
to the captives … |
Blessed are the merciful, for they
shall obtain mercy, |
and recovery of sight to the blind, |
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they
shall see God, |
to set free those who are oppressed (bruised). |
Blessed are those who are persecuted
…. |
Saya menghapus Blessed are the meek dari daftar Beatitudes karena ucapan serupa ini ketika muncul di dalam Quran Surah 21:105, Al Quran merujuk ayat tsb kepada kitab Mazmur/Psalm, bukan kepada Injil, sehingga saya menduga bahwa Injil yang asli tidak memuat ucapan Blessed are the meek ini. Lagipula, reward bagi orang-orang yang rendah hati ini adalah mewarisi bumi, bukan surga, yang mana tidak konsisten dengan ajaran Yesus yang lain yang lebih mementingkan akhirat ketimbang dunia. Saya menghapus Blessed are those who hunger dari daftar karena ucapan ini tidak ada di dalam Injil Matius versi Shem Tov. Saya juga menghapus Blessed are the peacemaker karena ayat ini tidak ada padanannya pada Injil Lukas maupun Injil Thomas.
"A city built on a high hill and fortified cannot be hidden. After all, no one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, nor does one put it in a hidden place. Rather, one puts it on a lampstand so that all who come and go will see its light."
Against the Rich
Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.
Jesus said, "There was a rich man who had much money. He said, 'I shall put my money to use so that I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouse with produce, with the result that I shall lack nothing.' Such were his intentions, but that same night he died. Let him who has ears hear."
There were two rich men who approached Jesus along the way. The second rich man asked Jesus, "Rabbi, what good thing can I do that I may live?" He (Jesus) said to him, "Man, fulfill the Law and the Prophets." He answered him, "I have done (so)." Jesus said, "Go, sell all that you have, and distribute to the poor; and come, follow me." But the rich man began to scratch his head, for it did not please him. And the Lord said to him, "How can you say, 'I have fulfilled the Law and the Prophets', when it is written in the Law: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself', and many of your brothers, sons of Abraham, are covered with filth, dying of hunger, and your house is full of many good things, none of which goes out to them?" And he (Jesus) turned and said to Simon his disciple, who was sitting by him, "Simon son of John, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."
The Parables
Jesus said, The Father's kingdom is like a merchant who had a supply of merchandise and found a pearl. That merchant was prudent; he sold the merchandise and bought the single pearl for himself.
And he said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without difficulty. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."
"A person cannot mount two horses or bend two bows. And a slave cannot serve two masters, otherwise that slave will honor the one and offend the other."
You cannot serve God and Mammon.
So also with you, seek his treasure that is unfailing, that is enduring, where no moth comes to eat and no worm destroys.
Jika saya membaca Injil, maka kesimpulan yang saya tarik adalah bahwa Yesus mengajarkan kepada pengikutnya untuk bersikap zuhud terhadap dunia, tidak mengejar dunia, dan bahkan Yesus mengecam orang-orang kaya. Daripada mengejar dunia, jauh lebih baik jika kita takut akan Tuhan dan mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan. wa Allahu a'lam.
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