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How do I differ from the majority

It started from one thing that bothered me so much, and one thing leads to another.

1. Predestination. I feel that predestination in sunni belief is more like the view of predestination according to Jabariyah. On the contrary, I belief that free will can change predestination. (ref: Ezekiel 33)

2. The only sect that will be saved? They say that muslim will be broken into 73 sects, and there's only one sect that will be saved. Even if this statement were true, I believe that the one who will be saved is the minority, not the majority. Maybe there's something wrong in the majority beliefs.

3. Two kalimah shahadah. They believe in two kalimah shahada. Well, I've read the Bible, the scrolls of the Qumran, the book of Jubilees, the book of Jasher, Shapira Manuscript, the Gospel of Thomas and other books from Nag Hammadi, etc, I don't find any of them mentioning two kalimah shahadah. Instead, there's only one kalimah shahada, that there is no god but Allah.

4. Praying to God alone, instead of praying to God and the Prophet. I believe that a muslim should pray to God alone. However, the majority make fatal mistake in their prayer when they pray to the Prophet. It's when they say, Assalamu'alaika ayyuhannabiy etc.

5. Believing in Books before the Quran and have respect for the Previous Scriptures, such as the Torah, Nevi'im, Psalms, and the Gospel.

6. Don't hate the Jews. In fact, I have respect for the children of Israel. After all, they are the chosen people. And God don't make mistake in choosing them. 

7. I don't believe in Replacement Theology. I believe that Quran, while it's true the Word of God, it doesn't abrogate the previous Scriptures, especially the Torah. The Torah is still valid and applied for the Jews, while the Quran for the rest of the world.

8. Some part of the Bible could and should be read by non-Jews (the gentiles) including the muslims. The parts that can be read by the gentiles and the muslims include the Book of Genesis (and the book of Jubilees), some chapters of the Psalms, some chapters of the Nevi'im (especially Isaiah, Micah 4, Zechariah 8, and Malachi), and the Gospel of Mark and Luke.

9. The Madaniyah doesn't abrogate the Makkiyah. It's the other way around. I agree with Mahmoud Muhammad Thaha (from Sudan) when he said that the Makkiyah is universal Word of God that can be applied to all human being. The Madaniyah, on the other hand, only be applied under certain circumstances. 


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